
Friday, May 9, 2008

#1 Read this first: Church brochure

"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church

Are you looking for a church that

  • respects you as already God/ess - Spirit?

  • fosters your empowerment to co-create a better world for all?

  • actively works toward a life for everyone 
    that is loving, joyful, and thriving 
    on an earth that is clean and peaceful?

This is who we are!

What kind of organization are we?

We are a completely independent church not affiliated with any other religion or spiritual tradition.

Our primary mission and purpose is to perceive, recognize, evoke, and amplify the Divine Light in everyone. Each of us has a ministry to benefit and uplift others.

Our primary ministry is being a resource for others to know their own God/ess-nature in body, mind, and spirit. Our ministry provides people with direct experiences of their own inherent God-Self nature, and we serve as examples of Divine Light ourselves.

People participate in our Church through various ceremonies, spiritual counseling, eclectic spiritual healing techniques, and various writings and other ministries from time to time. We offer in-person and at-a-distance activities. These are listed later in this brochure.

We engage in outreach, but not evangelism. We provide fellowship, resources, and spiritual evolution opportunities for those who feel a resonance with us. We offer training for ministers and spiritual healers.

Our authority is from God/ess on the religious level, and from the Divinely-inspired US Constitution on the secular level. We affirm separation of Church and government. We affirm everyone's God/ess-given inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What do we believe?

We don't "believe" or impose/require beliefs, only urging abiding by ethical values. Each person is endowed with access to inner knowing and guidance directly from God/ess. We foster that access. Here are some "knowings" we share within our Church:

About God/ess:
God/ess is the source and the substance of everything everywhere forever infinitely. God/ess is the Force of Creation, the Creator, the Creation, and the Creating.

God/ess is all Consciousness, all Energy, and all Matter. Nothing that exists or happens is not-God/ess or is outside of God/ess.

God/ess has many names, such as Goddess, Divine Love, Divine Light, Buddhahood, and the Great Spirit.

We celebrate masculine and feminine aspects of God/ess.

The ultimate purpose of life is to live continuously in the realization that everything which exists is inherently always already, because it exists, one with God/ess and all else that exists, and one with the Creative Power of God/ess.

Every Being is also a sovereign creation. Our primary authority is God/ess's Will, as known by each for self.

Each Being can directly access God/ess without clergy to intervene or interpret. The best functions of clergy are to support, uplift, encourage, and be of service.

We delight that each person experiences their spiritual evolution and awakening, and God/ess, in their own unique way.

About Life:

God/ess has given every soul power to direct its experiences through its consciousness, so it has responsibility for its own life.

Everything that happens, happens by God/ess's Will for the sacred purpose of providing people with an opportunity to increase their awareness of their Oneness with God/ess.

In our Church, Light-amplifying means Life-enhancing. Each of us chooses to embody and express the highest potentials of human life, to live in the most life-enhancing, life-affirming, life-celebrating ways.

Central and essential to the practice of our religion is that we regard every aspect of the human body and earthly life--including pleasure and sexuality--as inherently Divine and sacred, experience-able as spiritually uplifting.

We honor our Creator by choosing to be as healthy, thriving, prosperous, flourishing, and happy as possible, and by fostering the same for all others.

A blissful "life in Paradise" is possible in this life to anyone who recognizes and claims their innate Divinity as a Creation of the Divine Creator. People can live a heavenly life, not needing to earn or learn their way out of this life. People are inherently Spirit Masters, not striving human students or sinners.

Everyone has a Life Purpose which can potentially benefit the entire world. Our special mission as a Church is to help people discover and fully express their Divine Talents.

About Human Relating:

We respect the choices, dignity, and Divinity of everyone, and we encourage others to do the same. We are committed to voluntary, peaceful, nonviolent non-condemnatory relating even in controversies, differences, and conflicts.

Our religion recognizes that there are many spiritual and religious teachers worthy of study, that there are many paths to God/ess, and there are many religious writings which contain some of the spiritual Truths we share.

Science/rationality/logic and spirituality/intuition/guidance/revelation are not opposed. Our ideal is integrated, flexible left-brain and right-brain consciousness that uses all of these in appropriate ways for various life-enhancing purposes.

Everyone benefits when people expand their consciousness to more empathy and compassion, greater wisdom and understanding, more Divine Love, and more of their own multi-dimensional SpiritSelf.

We encourage consciousness and behavior that fosters respect, harmony, and ecological balance among all who affect our living planet, Gaia.

We encourage consciousness and behavior that

  • plans and acts in ways that would make life on this planet optimal for all future generations,

  • and takes into account the wellbeing of all living and non-living things on our precious planet as an interdependent complex system.

We support those whose Divine Purpose includes creating and/or implementing ways of interacting in every arena of life that are respectful, uplifting, loving, and peaceful, and that promote optimal well-being for all. We actively work toward co-creating a better world.

What are some of the current ministries, opportunities for worship, and sacred activities of the Church? 
(All are available at a distance; some are available in person. All are co-creating our ideal lives and world via Divine Grace.)

* Spiritual Counseling and Healing
* Advising/coaching of spiritual entrepreneurs

* Enlivening - next-stage organizational movement nexus (Specific ministries here.) 

* Forthcoming book Sexuality from Beast to Buddha: A Social-Individual Developmental-Spiritual Spectrum


* Forthcoming book Giving and Receiving in a Gift Economy


* Exploring We-space blogseries


* Integral-articles ministry (exploring advanced consciousness in life)


* Organizational consulting ministry (being a guide for world-transforming organizations ready to use their spiritual intelligence for more impact with fewer resources and less effort)


* Program for training ministers who are spiritual healers and community-builders
* Sacred sexuality teaching and counseling
* Empowering, uplifting articles to read (this blog's posts) 

* Integral City Core Advisory Team


* Advisory Board of Global Heritage Consortium


Some of what we offer New-World Builders as individuals includes:

--Help in identifying themselvs as teachers, healers, or New World Builders, and how they – and all their seemingly irrelevant or painful past experiences – fit into the New World's emergence. Helping them make sense of their lives, giving them a new perspective from which to see their lives.

--Clarification of their gifts and their purpose

--Networking into groups they can contribute to and synergize with, in their purpose

--Methods they can use to complete their healing from their past experiences, in this lifetime and other lifetimes, if they choose

--Ways of expanding their awareness of and their Realizing of their full Divine Self (aka moving into Enlightenment or Awakening,) as the context for their own life purpose and activities

--Assistance in bringing their spiritual beliefs into inner coherence, free from internal inconsistencies that disempower and sabotage their effectiveness in the world

--Inspiration, upliftment, encouragement, ability to stay up, optimistic, and effective

--A home base they can use for grounding as well as for exploring the outer reaches of their spirituality

--Experiences of belonging, not just to our church, but to a number of groups, of varying size or vastness, all of whom are pulled by a Divinely inspired Vision and are passionately devoted to such a Vision.

--Ways of turning their lives and activities into an explicit “ministry” if they feel called to do this

--Frameworks for viewing and understanding humanity and people in ways that facilitate changing them, helping them develop and grow and evolve

--Sensitivity to and greater use of, intuition and other spiritual resources and ways of living and interacting

--Help in growing out of the specific hangups that teachers, healers, and New World Builders tend to have, which sabotage and disempower and undermine their effectiveness, not to mention their happiness and health!

--Support and resources for living a whole, rounded, balanced life

Some of what we offer groups or organizations of New-World Builders includes:

Most of the above, plus resources for

---New ways of making group decisions and carrying out group activities and functions

---New patterns of leadership in relation to group functioning

---Synergies with similar or aligned groups and organizations

---Becoming more aware of, and more expressive of, the particular Larger Purpose or Spirit of the group or organization

---Ways of clarifying for all members, how they and the group fit into the Bigger Picture and a Divinely-inspired Vision.

All these ministries, worship opportunities, and sacred activities are central and essential parts of the exercise and practice of our religion.
Everything we do is offered freely as a gift to the world in service of the Divine. We accept gifts only from people who are inspired to support the continuation of our ministries, not in exchange for or as payment for anything. Here is more information about our gift economy. Gifts to our church are not tax-deductible.


If you resonate with what you have read here, we invite you to learn more about our Church and we welcome your questions and your participation.

"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church

Rev. Alia Zara Aurami, Ph.D., Head Minister

amplifydivinelightinallchurch at gmail. com

Based in Washington state, USA, 
with ministries that span the world

1 comment:

b said...

seems that a well documented blog like this one, does not receive many comments. A new Gaia is 1000 times more interactive.