Discovering Your Cosmic Essence
Note: This is a long and complex article, and it is aimed at diverse audiences. Please just take what is useful and interesting for you and pass over the rest.
Also, everything in this article represents interpretation and perspective, and is one way or model of thinking. No claim to absolute truth is made.
In your search for self-knowledge that will amplify your Divine Light and empower your life, you will probably find it helpful to learn about your Cosmic Essence.
The benefits and values of knowing your own and others' Cosmic Essence include:
Becoming consciously aware of your Cosmic Essence feels like a very self-validating, empowering, and liberating experience.
* synergy with the Cosmic Essences of others in work and personal relationships
* greater understanding of how each can contribute to community and the world
* more compassion for self and others
* more rapport with others, more understanding and tolerance of others
* job selection or work focus--more clarity, more precision
* self-acceptance
* self-enhancement/development/improvement
* more forbearance/forgiveness, more goodwill for self and others
* expanded identity, a Bigger Picture of your Self and your Life
* more closeness with your Soul or Spirit Self
* more understanding, acceptance, and expression of your Life Purpose and your talents
There is another more subtle value or benefit of knowing your own Cosmic Essence. As you get familiar with all the ways it manifests in your actions, thoughts, feelings, you begin to be able to observe how it is operating and manifesting, every minute. You know that your Cosmic Essence represents one aspect of All That Is, God/ess, [whatever your term is] so being and expressing your Essence then becomes a form of worship, of devotion, of appreciation, for the One Being your Essence is an aspect of. Your life, your actions, words, thoughts, feelings, become your ongoing daily "song" of appreciation, awe, wonder, and sheer delight, at Who You Are as a creation and expression of that One Self. Experiencing your life as this constant song adds an indescribably wonderful flavor to life.
This awe and wonder and appreciation are inseparably about your human self and God/ess. As you observe how your particular Essence manifests as you, through you, you have a sense "I am so awesome." This could equally well be expressed as "God/ess's quality expressing as me, through me, is awesome." All the details and experiences of the workings of that particular Essence, to the extent that you become constantly aware of them, become a source of indescribable joy and wonder. To the extent you know and observe someone else's Essence, you can experience that delight about them, too.
First, because as far as I know, no one else is working with this concept, this way of understanding ourselves. At the end of this booklet I describe how I learned about it. Since I learned about it, I have developed my own system for understanding and describing Cosmic Essences in ways that are maximally useful for people. I can teach people to discover and describe Cosmic Essences, and we can pass the knowledge around so more people can know their own and others' Essences.
Second, we are not born and live our lives fully conscious of our Cosmic Essence. Our Spirits have set ourselves the challenge of having the nature of our Cosmic Essence be out of our awareness and then discovering it. The thrill of discovering "what is" enables us to appreciate it, enjoy it, celebrate it, more. So don't assume you don't have an Essence, just because it never occurred to you that you do!
Each Cosmic Essence is a gift to the world, and to others, that we bring by who we ARE, by Being, as well as by Doing. What people do often flows directly from their Cosmic Essence, but even if it doesn't flow directly, their Essence is still operating, still radiating, still benefiting the world.
A Cosmic Essence is one of the positive qualities of God-consciousness, one of the high-vibration characteristics a Being can have. It is not the conglomerated peace-love-joy bliss Whole-Being state of God-consciousness, it is a specific characteristic. We all have all of the possible positive characteristics of Beingness (the Isness of All That Is,) but each soul has one quality or characteristic more prominently developed than the others; it specializes. This specialized characteristic or quality is an aspect of Beingness, but is not just an aspect of the soul, it IS the soul's essence, the most central and basic thing about the soul's nature. It is like in our cells, in our DNA, but that's just a physical-level manifestation of it. The Cosmic Essence is the aspect of Beingness a soul MOST expresses and radiates just by Being (although the Cosmic Essence generates Doings as well.)
We are all "chips off the old hologram" but each Spirit and each embodiment is not a complete hologram. True holograms would be identical and therefore boring and pointless to the Creator of All. We do specialize somewhat, in our Cosmic Essence.
The reason for the specialization of qualities or characteristics of the All into individuals seems to be partly for the fun our souls have, of interacting with other Essences. What an Essence does is stimulate other Beings to have/experience/express/do more of that particular quality or characteristic. People who are around you find themselves experiencing and expressing more of whatever YOUR Essence is.
For example, people around someone whose Cosmic Essence is Divine Truth automatically and unconsciously become more truthful and more concerned about issues of truthfulness. And, yippee, this happens without any deliberate effort or even any action on your part. Your Being radiates your Cosmic Essence quality/characteristic and other souls pick up on what it is, and it gets amplified in them. Your Essence is like a vibration you emit automatically, and when you even, for example, just walk by someone, their Being starts to vibrate more strongly with that characteristic, so they end up being able to access it, experience it, and express it more than they did before. They had it all along, as we all have all qualities, but it was more background, more dormant, in them. A slick system, huh?
Another reason for the specialization could be the effectiveness of "division of labor" in accomplishing "cosmic" projects, the projects that souls agree to take on together while they are in bodies.
A few examples of possible Cosmic Essences include: (Only a few subcategories are indicated, just to give some idea of how that operates)
Each term should be preceded by the word Divine or Cosmic:
Self-appreciation, and other sub-types
Beneficial Flow of Life Energy
Calming of Turbulent Energy (possibly a subcategory of Order or of Stillness/Silence/Void)
Chaos preceding Reconfiguration
Clarity (from Divine Mind)
Completion/Finishing/Ending/- Fulfillment
Connectedness, Relating
Creation of Universal Abundance
Creativity (many kinds/styles, each a separate Cosmic Essence)
Breaking Up/Breaking Down
Determination/doggedness/persistence/ follow-through
Dysfunctional-Systems Buster
Efficiency (made possible by Intelligence)
Emergence of a New Order
Enthusiasm (for new beginnings/projects) (as cooperative endeavors)
Freedom of Expression, of Movement, and many other sub-types of freedom
Harmony (from Order)
Faith in Universal Harmony
Love (dozens of kinds)
Manifestation (into Tangible Reality)
Oneness (of Beingness)
Self-determination/"inner directedness"
Specificity (the kind made possible by Clarity)
Spirit of the Child
Gentle Strength, Fierce Strength
Support of the Universe
Systems Developer
Tranquillity (possibly a subcategory of Silence/Stillness/Void)
Transformation (wowee uh-oh look out for THOSE folks!!!)
The Vastness of It All
and dozens more. Whatever good quality or characteristic of Beingness you can think of, that is a possible Cosmic Essence. The phrases in parentheses describe one sub-type or one "flavor" of that Cosmic Essence, for example, there are many different flavors of Enthusiasm, Manifestation, Creativity, Intelligence, Order, Beauty, Wisdom, Femininity, etc. Each flavor is a different Cosmic Essence. FYI, in the terminology of this system of classifying souls, we speak of a Cosmic Essence as DIVINE Nurturance or DIVINE Truth or DIVINE Dignity.
Clearly there are more Beings than Essences; lots of souls share the same Essence; what this means for their human relationship is not predictable. It is not always a wonderful sense of kinship.
The following are not included as Cosmic Essences in my analyses of people, for the following reasons. This is my perspective, and other perspectives are also plausible.
Mercy is not a fundamentally positive quality. The corresponding positive qualities would be, for example, compassion and wisdom. Mercy is regarded as positive only because the opposite of mercy--ruthlessness or whatever--is considered negative.
Ditto forgiveness. The true positive qualities are understanding and empathy. In the highest spiritual perspectives "there is nothing to forgive." Forgiveness is regarded as positive only because its opposite--revenge, retribution, grudge-holding--is considered negative.
For myself, I also consider gratitude not a true positive quality. The true positive related qualities are rejoicing and appreciation. Gratitude implies lack of power, implies helplessness or victim status. It is a concept in duality-consciousness, not in Unity consciousness.
Divine Enthusiasm (subcategory: of New Beginnings) (sub-subcategory: as Cooperative Endeavors):
People around her always find themselves feeling: "Yes! Let's do it!" In high school she was always the one who said "Hey gang, let's go do this." She is great at drawing people out, because she acknowledges who they are, with enthusiasm. She has a special unique and valuably protective sense for herself of when she is DONE with a particular project, a strong inner knowingness.
Divine Self-Determination often says to her boyfriend:
"I don't care what you think, I am going to do this my way."
Divine Intelligence is always saying:
"It's important to distinguish between .... and ...." And Divine Intelligence produced this article so your own spiritual growth could become more efficient! Divine Intelligence has a talent and a passion for organizing and wording information so that it becomes more useful for people to use to achieve their goals.
Divine Intelligence is also always saying: "But that's an error because....." or "What these have in common is......" or "The most fundamental thing about that is....." or "The parts of that are......
Divine Harmony's favorite criticism and least favorite experience would be:
"But those clash....."
Divine Honoring takes photographs. People who look at the photos are always saying:
"I never saw it that way, so wonderful. You make it look great, magnificent, special."
Divine Truth, subcategory Revelation of Concealed Truth, has always been extremely involved and interested in cryptology (encoding and decoding messages and information) and reverse speech--and he's the Go To person if you want to know about any conspiracy theory floating around! His favorite expressions are "Did you know....?" and "The thing is, ...."
Every Cosmic Essence has light sides, up sides, positive sides, and dark sides, down sides, negative sides. The latter are the Spirit's attempt to explore the "opposite" of or "lack" of the Essence, which is impossible, of course, but Spirit can create the illusion of those experiences. Our various lifetimes explore BOTH sides of our Cosmic Essence so we can discover, explore, and come to know and appreciate Who We Are, the particular aspect or characteristic of God/ess, the All, that our Spirit is a representative, manifestation, individuation of.
One of the ways we experience bad or unpleasant lifetimes or experiences is that sometimes we are exploring the downside of our Cosmic Essence or (illusion of) absence of our essence; thus for example Divine Truth might show up in this lifetime as a very dishonest person, or a person who attracts dishonest people to interact with. Whatever you think is the most pervasive obnoxious thing about someone, is probably the downside of their actual Cosmic Essence, which their soul is deliberately exploring in this lifetime.
Knowing this helps you appreciate people more. For another example, Divine Freedom might show up as the most restricted, conventional, rigid, narrow person you have ever met! Or Divine Nurturance might show up as a very controlling person, which would be exploration of the downside of nurturance (as "I know what's best for you" rather than "I offer you what would be good for you.")
Our soul can't really know or appreciate our own Essence Quality or Characteristic fully until we have had lifetimes of experience exploring its downsides and its (the illusion of its) absence (since it can never really be absent.) It appears that Cosmic Essences don't change from lifetime to lifetime; they seem to be a quality of the soul that persists through a given "transmigration" or soul-lifetime. They also seem to be more basic than life-form or Being-form because individuals from different ET species reflect Cosmic Essences, as do angels, elementals, and other non-physical Beings.
Here's the amazing thing: Even when a soul is exploring/experiencing/expressing the downside or apparent absence of its Cosmic Essence, the positive influence of that Essence is still radiating from their Being, and still amplifying the positive aspects of that Essence in others!!!
So negative qualities, some of which might be considered morally wrong, or bad, or evil, get into our experience as we and others explore the downside of our Essence. So it is not true that a Cosmic Essence consists only of its light or positive side, and it is also not true that the negative or dark side is any less Divine, or any less God/dess, than the up/light side. Both are kinds of experiences chosen by the soul and by all the souls involved; in this system of understanding spiritual matters, all interactions are voluntary and by prior agreement on the soul level.
This article on Cosmic Essences you are reading went from an idea "Someday I'll write an article about that" to its present form within a day after I spent a couple of hours in the company of Divine Enthusiasm about New Beginnings and Divine Specificity from Divine Clarity, both of whom expressed an interest in this subject and asked questions about it! It was a 1-2 punch that was irresistible!
So can you imagine a consulting team for authors, inventors, composers, and entrepreneurs consisting of the 4 following people: Divine Enthusiasm about New Beginnings, Divine Specificity-from-Clarity, Divine Persistence/Follow-Through, and Divine Completion/Manifestation in Tangible Reality? These four would not necessarily need a step-by-step system or program to put clients through, they would just need to spend enough time talking with the clients about client projects, and their Cosmic Essences would accomplish wonders for the clients' projects/productions. Add Divine Empowerment to the consulting team, and the world would never be the same!
Divine Self-determination has just been through a training program and is now starting a counseling practice. She either wants to be all things for all people, or she wants to focus on some common things that people need. Neither would work best for her. What we have to offer the world is who we are, not our training and not just our interests or what lots of people need. Her best focus would be to work with the people who do the same kind of specialized work she has done most of her life, and help people among that target group whose issues revolve around self-determination and its challenges. Doesn't that make sense? Then her life experience, her interests, her training, and her Cosmic Essence will synergize for the success of her practice and benefit of her clients.
Whatever your job description or title is, your Cosmic Essence is what you "do." It is your contribution to the world, just by your presence in it, regardless of anything you do. So knowing your Essence can greatly increase your power and effectiveness in your work, as you allow more of who you are to express itself in what you do.
Your answers will create pieces of a puzzle, and then you contemplate the possible pictures (Cosmic Essence) suggested by the pieces and see which picture makes the most sense of it all. If you don't feel sure of your answer, I can help, just ask.
Please answer the questions in your own words. Do not try to use the Cosmic Essence words listed above !!!!!!!
1. What is the general theme of most of the compliments you have ever received?
2. What is the general theme of most of the criticisms you have ever received?
3. What do people feel stimulated to experience or express more of when they are around you? What do you catalyze in them?
4. What have been your biggest lifelong challenges?
5. What qualities or characteristics of you seem so natural, so second-nature, that they are nearly invisible to you?
6. What is your worst fear? What, if it changed about you, would make you feel obliterated? And why would it be that thing?
7. What would your personal hell be like? And why would that be hell for you?
8. What kind of people can't stand you? What kind of people can't you stand?
9. Look over the list of Cosmic Essences. Is there one that fits you like a glove, that captures most of who you are? Is there one that feels "almost?"
10. What would you pay someone to be able to do, if that were the only way you could continue doing it? Why this particular thing?
11. What natural abilities, gifts and talents do you think you have to offer the world?
12. What kinds of things couldn't you stop doing even if you tried? Why these things?
13. What kinds of things have you been doing all your life, even as a child? (These can be abstract things, like counseling or nurturing. Some two-year olds even demonstrate these qualities.)
14. Ask your intuition, your Angels, your Guides what your Cosmic Essence is. Pay attention to images, words, symbols, senses, feelings, sounds, situations, songs, etc. that follow in the next minutes, days, weeks.
15. What bothers you most in/about this world? why does it bother you?
16. What has life taught you so far? In other words, what are the most important/basic/fundamental things you have learned about self, about people, about the world, about life? In other words, what are the biggest "aha's" you have ever gotten about life, or what wisdom-gems have been hard-won through your experiences?
17. What do you wish people would learn about living, about relating? If you could teach everyone about how to live, what would you pass on or encourage? Why these particular things?
18. What do you think is the "most important thing" in life--which aspect of life, or thing about life? And why is that the most important thing?
19. What are you best at, in your work, whether it's part of a job description or not? What do you most contribute, underneath and around the obvious practical activities and accomplishments?
20. On a desert island, what would you miss the most? And why is that what you would miss the most? And what would you appreciate the most that you still have, even there? And why?
21. What is your ideal world like? And why is that ideal for you? What is the one thing that would be most essential for the world to work right? And why would it be that one thing? What is the first thing you would do 'if you ruled the world?" Why that thing?
22. What have been your top 5 ongoing interests in life: hobbies, topics, subjects, causes? What Cosmic Essence do you think they all might have in common?
There are levels or layers of specificity or detail: Divine Order, makes possible Divine Intelligence, which enables Divine Efficiency. Divine Clarity can lead to Divine Specificity. The more abstract qualities are the most basic, and then the more specific ones are like variations on the theme.
For example, Divine Order also is necessary for the Cosmic Essences of Smoothness, Continuity, Integrity, Music, Mathematics, Science, Growth, Harmony, and other qualities. Divine Chaos would become specific as Divine Breakthroughs, Divine Paradigm Shifts, Divine Quantum Leaps. Without chaos there would be no re-organizing. Divine Chaos could also become specific as other Cosmic Essences as well: Divine Randomness, even possibly Divine Playfulness and Divine Humor! These particular examples might not be correct, but you get the idea of levels or layers of Essence qualities.
Here are two sets of layers of the Cosmic Essences of two different people, the most similar I have yet encountered, yet the differences are profound. The first one has the most layers of any Cosmic Essence I have seen yet. The person is a profoundly healing spiritual psychologist.
Divine Truth --- Divine Purity of the Truth -- Divine Revelation of the Truth in its Purity --- Divine Revelation of the Pure Truth about Self --- Divine Acknowledgment of the Pure Revealed Truth about Self --- Divine Acceptance of Pure Acknowledged Truth about Self --- Divine Wholeness, Power, and Peace thereby Restored --- Divine Purpose thereby Enabled
Divine Truth --- Divine Revelation of Concealed Truth
It's fun to do a mind-map with your Essence as the center, and see what qualities are related, and which of these you have mastered and which you might want to cultivate. For example, Divine Dignity would also generate or involve self-respect, integrity, even nobility. For another example, Divine Calming of Turbulent Energy could function in a masculine mode by reaching forth and making the energy smooth out, or in a feminine mode by Being Calmness and taking the turbulence into itself and allowing the turbulence to become calm that way. That Cosmic Essence might want to cultivate both modes, not just one.
Also with a mind-map you can find out where your weaknesses and challenges lie. For example, Divine Intelligence must learn that it is not the same as or a substitute for nor superior to Divine Wisdom! And that playfulness, spontaneity, and flexibility are challenges for it! For another example, Divine Oneness of Beingness can have an extreme difficulty keeping appropriate, healthful boundaries between self and others.
It's important to understand how basic, how fundamental, how pervasive a "Cosmic Essence" is. Here are some analogies and metaphors to contemplate. None of them are totally accurate, but they might help you more to "get" what a Cosmic Essence is. Nothing you do or say or feel is NOT an expression of your Cosmic Essence. It affects everything, and everything is an expression of it. A Cosmic Essence is not a "thing" but a quality of Being. It is not a specific content but the flavor of that content.
Possibly the best analogy is being male or female. Everything you do and say is flavored or colored by the fact of your being male or female. You can't do anything as a neutral human. Suppose a person helps an old woman across the street. Suppose someone else does, too, and uses the exact same words and exact same behaviors. The woman's experience will be different depending on whether it was a man or a woman saying those words and doing those behaviors.
Another good analogy is your astrological sign. We all know that a simple behavior like helping someone is very different depending on the astrological sign of the particular person doing the behavior, and is experienced differently by the other people involved.
Another good analogy is that your Cosmic Essence is sort of like which instrument you are in the orchestra. You are playing notes and tunes the same as others, but everything you produce sounds like the instrument you are, and you cannot make sounds that are not like the instrument you are. Your Cosmic Essence is not the favorite tune the instrument plays; it is more like the sound of the instrument itself.
The more abstract Cosmic Essences, like Order, Beauty, Love, Wisdom, might be considered as one kind of instrument, say a saxophone, and the sub-categories like Order's subcategory of Intelligence, would be the different kinds of saxophones: alto, tenor, bass, etc. And then each individual saxophone has its own unique tonal quality which makes it sound different from every other saxophone. That might correspond to the really specific levels of Cosmic Essence, such as the Efficiency subcategory of Intelligence.
Or we might say your Cosmic Essence is what kind of musical group you are: a chorus, a marching band, a symphony orchestra, a jazz quartet, or whatever. You might be playing the same notes and songs as other groups, but they sure sound different, because they sound like your group, all of them do, and they don't sound like any other group.
Or let's suppose that there's a Broadway show going on, but between the audience and stage is a huge blue plate of glass. The audience sees the show, but it's all colored by the glass. Everything is happening, but it's all an expression of blueness! However, a Cosmic Essence is more than a filter; it generates and governs behaviors. It is an essence, not something peripheral.
A Cosmic Essence is something like the basic software language of a computer, or the operating system of a computer; it affects everything, and everything is expressed in those terms.
A Cosmic Essence is like the color of the Light you are. It's like the key in which a piece of music is played: major or minor, F-sharp or B-flat or whatever. It's like whether you are a stew, or a casserole, or a stir-fry; they might all have similar ingredients, but they are quite different, and the ingredients are experienced differently depending on which kind of dish they are in.
These are all different ways I am trying to point to how basic, how fundamental, how "essence-ial" a Cosmic Essence is, and how it is different from other aspects of our humanness such as our interests or talents, because it is a Spirit thing, not a human thing.
Nonetheless, there might conceivably be aspects of our human selves which are independent of our Cosmic Essence; the research is not in on that point.
They are not stages. They are not developmental from one Essence to another. They go nowhere. They are not evolutionary from one Essence to another. There are hierarchies of generality within them, as is clear in the list above, but that is not meant to convey any sense of movement or direction. They are simply qualities, characteristics, aspects.
However, even though Cosmic Essences do not evolve, wisdom about them dramatically evolves all the time. Over many lifetimes, as we explore, in direct experience, every facet, every upside and every downside, of our Essence, we gain incredible wisdom about that quality or characteristic of Being, and that wisdom is automatically radiated to every Being everywhere, through the One Consciousness we are all particles of. Eventually we thoroughly understand every detail about that particular Quality of Being from every angle, from every perspective, because we have directly experienced just about every experience that Quality can have or can generate.
There is no effort involved to "be" one's Cosmic Essence, none at all. The only effort might be to express the light side of it, rather than the dark side. You can't become more of your Essence, or learn to become more of it.
If YOU are a vibrating glob or vibrating field of energy, then your Cosmic Essence is the color or sound of that vibration, that's how fundamental and automatic it is.
The fundamentality of Cosmic Essence for a Being can be known by the fact that many or most of the specific things about you can be seen, upon deeper analysis, to be manifestations or expressions of your Cosmic Essence. Your Being expresses and radiates the vibration of your Cosmic Essence automatically, that's why no effort is involved. Your Cosmic Essence is fundamental because it is the center from which radiates most or all of your important values, preferences, likes and dislikes, hangups, and talents. It's the general factor that in turn generates the particulars of all those aspects of a person.
It appears that each Spirit selects one Cosmic Essence (and its subcategories) to explore during an entire cycle of many lifetimes of exploration as an individual Spirit, distinct from (even if not in the illusion of separation from) the Source. Thus, your Cosmic Essence will not change within a lifetime.
First and most importantly, because it is about the Soul, not about the personality level. In fact, the only other systems I know of for describing people on the Soul level are The Spiritual Dimension of The Enneagram and the Soul Types (archetypes) model developed by Michael J. Lincoln. Jungian archetypes, mythological archetypes often go deeper than personality level, but they go into the subconscious mind, not the higher Soul level of consciousness.
I believe our astrological sign in chosen by our Cosmic Essence and is thus a secondary expression of Essence, but the research is not in on that, either.
Your Cosmic Essence explains a ton of things about you; it is more fundamental than your astrological sign, for example, so it explains more about you. It is at least as basic as your Enneagram Point or whether you are predominantly left-brain or right-brain, or whether you are male or female. I have found it one of the most useful systems of "typing" people. It is in addition to and complementary to other spiritually-oriented "typology" systems such as human archetypes and soul archetypes. There are some overlaps among these systems, for example "Innocence" can be a Cosmic Essence and/or a Soul Archetype. Cosmic Essences are probably also related to the Holy Ideas of the Enneagram system of classifying people. With enough thought and focus, someone could probably merge all these systems into one, but that is a task for the future!
When you become consciously aware of what your Cosmic Essence is, you generally recognize it immediately as true for you, and the more you contemplate it, the more of you seems to fall into that category, the more of you gets "explained" by that label.
If you get teary-eyed or choked up, or your heart starts to hurt, or your stomach starts to clench or flutter, or you feel elated, or you get totally relaxed and still, while reading a description of your Cosmic Essence, then the description is probably correct!
Make it a project to check out the accuracy of your described Cosmic Essence against your own experience. Make determining and refining the accuracy of identification of your Cosmic Essence an ongoing project for yourself.
As part of that, use the description to answer the Self-Quiz questions, and see whether the answers fit.
(If this information is too much of a stretch for you, just pass over it.) About twenty years ago there was a couple called ET Earth Mission; they were extra-terrestrial walk-ins. The idea of Cosmic Essences was one of the many extraordinarily useful spiritual ideas I learned from them. In this paper I have added to what I learned from them, and I have not yet gone back and included in this paper everything they said on this subject.
ET Earth Mission no longer exists, and those walk-ins seem to be gone from the planet, but they left this idea and others, a fantastic legacy of powerful wisdom which has yet to be fully utilized for the benefit, upliftment, and transmutation of the world into its highest manifestation.
Dr. Michael J. Lincoln has written about a system of types of Spirits similar to Cosmic Essences, based on stuff he learned from a seminal teacher, A.H. Almaas. A copy of his paper "Essence Qualities" is $5 postpaid. Order by phone or email from the Church below.
The idea of Cosmic Essences is almost unique, as far as I can tell. To my knowledge, no one else is utilizing this system for understanding people/souls in the way that I am, which simply means that I will delightedly teach anyone who wants to learn how to help other people learn their Cosmic Essences.
Discover your soul's Cosmic Essence. Powerfully useful for work, relationships, self-love, emotional healing, Life Purpose. Explains positives and negatives. Readings by mail/email. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sample readings and testimonials available.
Fosters self-acceptance, self-appreciation, self-compassion. At least as basic as your astrological sign, Enneagram type, soul archetype, and far more basic than your Myers-Briggs or any other personality-level typology.
“Distressingly” accurate and very reassuring. A unique and powerful tool for self-healing, self-empowerment, for enabling more of your Divine Life Purpose to be easily manifested.
These readings are done intuitively, by revelation from the Infinite Mind We All Are, and done by communication from your Higher Self or Guides, and done by grokking your answers to the Quiz.
What a Reading discusses:
- The nature of your essence, specifically.
- What it is and what it is related to, and how it is different from similar Essences
- What aspects of the world it leads you to resonate with and like
- Ditto dislike, discomfort, avoid
- Challenges in life
- Downsides that can be explored
- Gifts to the world, talents, synergies with various other Essences
A sample reading and/or testimonials can be provided upon request.
These readings are a ministerial service of the Church, part of the exercise and practice of our religion.
Reading usually run about 3 typed pages.
Before your reading can be done, you must have read this paper about Cosmic Essences, to understand what they are, or your personal reading will not be very useful. Cosmic Essence is a whole new idea, so you won't understand your reading unless you learn what the idea is by reading this paper before reading about your Essence.
Also, you will need to take the Self-Discovery Quiz and send me your answers by mail, email, cassette tape, or CD.
Comments from people:
- Knowing my "note" in the Cosmic Symphony made me feel more a part of the All and more appreciative of other notes.
- Merely understanding myself to that depth was immediately healing of my basic life-trauma's effects on my life.
- Enabled me to pick the best job
- Thanks for adding the synergy with my partner's Essence. The mutual benefit of our relationship has soared.
For further info, contact Rev. Alia at
by Rev. Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, Ph.D. Head Minister
This blog entry is presented and provided to you by"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you look at this blog entry, you will agree or disagree with its various points, and then you will know more about what is true for you. Knowing more of your own Truth amplifies your Divine Light. Thus providing/presenting this blog entry is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission.
This blog entry and our providing/presenting it are therefore an essential and integral part of our exercise and practice of our religion.
None of the contents herein are claimed as absolute truth. They represent one possible perspective which might prove useful for you.
All rights reserved under the Common Law. This means please respect our Creatorship.
We invite your comments and responses!
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