
Monday, November 10, 2008

Joyful Life Part One: "Selfishness" vs Joyfulness

Joyful Life Part One: "Selfishness" vs Joyfulness

Rev. Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, Ph.D.
Head Minister

Someone said
"Don't pray for anything selfish, like a new car."

This is my response. I invite you to use my words to give you ideas for writing your own response in your own words, and keep re-reading your own til you absorb it as your Truth!

I am Source. I am Creator. I am the Creating and the Creation. I am Supply. I am Substance and Sustenance. I am the Flow and the Flowingness of these; I am Circulation.

I am receiver, user, digester, enjoyer, and appreciator of supply and sustenance and substance.

I bless all creating, all sourcing, resourcing, all receiving and using, all giving and circulating, all flourishing, all opulence, all lavishness, in my life and in everyone's life.

I overflow with supply and I glory in flowing, giving, circulating. I glorify the I Am in creating what will help myself and others thrive and flourish, help us be in joy, excitement, satisfaction and ever-greater expansion and expansiveness of Who We Are.

I now fully understand that "selfishness" and "attachment" are concepts that can describe desires that proceed from negative motivation, from fear, from the illusion of separation from Source. I now fully understand that each and every specific experience which I desire in the truth of Being Source, from positive motivation, for the sheer joy of it, cannot be viewed as "selfish" or from "attachment."

I experience the flow of Source through me, as me, for all the joys I experience.

I know that in Truth, the experience I label as "joy" is One with all pleasurable and positive experiences: delight, love, peace, satisfaction, fulfillment, and all others.

True joy is joy on and of every level of my Beingness, every dimension and density. True joy is the natural and rightful fuel, motivation, and goal of my every action, choice, and decision. I have harvested the wisdom to be gained from operating out of should's, fears, shouldn't's, and other non-joy motivations, and released all of these.

True joy is experienced when something (experience, object, Being, person) viewed as distinct from me, "rings my chimes." (Distinct from me is Truth. Separate or outside is Illusion.) This "something" resonates with my particular Nature and Essence-Quality, on every level of my Beingness, including this particular, idiosyncratic physical embodiment on Earth. It resonates with All I Am, evoking and amplifying all I Am, contributing to my knowing and appreciating of my True Self, of all of Who I Am, which is The One Being That Is. This is the goal of having the experience of specific joys.

I treasure each of my personal, idiosyncratic, specific joys as gifts implanted in me, as part of my embodiment's nature, by design, to guide me in co-creating my/our Spirit's Highest Vision of Heaven on Earth. I know that desire is the leading edge of manifestation, so when I desire something, whether large or small, my Spirit has already decided it is appropriate for my life at this time.

I know that the peace, joy, love, and aliveness I am flooded with each moment is unconditional, simply part of my nature as God/dess I Am, yet I know that each specific focus of that--each specific "source of joy"--is part of the Plan for me, and through me, part of the plan for the benefit of All.

I am awed at the precise way my life is constantly increasing in comfort and beauty, in things/people/experiences that "ring my chimes," and amplify my aliveness -- and through our Oneness, amplifies the aliveness of everyone else.

Everything I seek for myself I seek also, thereby, for the Whole, for All. Each joy I seek and have, I am thereby offering the experience for the uplifting and inspiring of everyone, because everyone does experience it along with me, on some level of their Beingness.

I experience a sense of unobstructed, unfettered forward movement in life, all the time.
I am Perfect Motion out of Perfect Stillness.

My body resonates deeply with all the notes of specific joys of this embodiment, all the varieties of joy I am capable of experiencing. I peal out to the Universe like a bell, with vibrations of joys of this life, different notes, the "song and dance of God I Am." This uplifts everyone and encourages them to live and feel the same way.

I am aware of and grateful that my idiosyncratic joys and blessings are abounding and amplifying.

Each week I experience a new variety or focus of joy I have never felt before.

I feel overwhelmed with gratitude many times each day.

My eyes sparkle, twinkle, and flash, most of the time.

I go through life singing and dancing, all the time, even when it's not visible to others!

I smile and laugh a lot. I squeal/gasp/exclaim with delight, often. I sigh with pleasure, a lot.

I feel enthusiasm, exhilaration, "YES!" and satisfaction, nearly every minute.

I always have several future events I am actively looking forward to. I experience pleasurable anticipation a lot.

I feel well-used, as the resource I am, with all my abilities, and am thrilled by that.

I leap out of bed each morning, eager for the day.

I am cheerful most of the time, seeing the Best.

Living my Life Purpose is a thrill beyond compare, the foundation of all the other joys of this embodiment.

I stimulate all the above in others, by my words and actions, and just by being who I am, so my joy is in service to others, to help uplift them and encourage them.

This article is presented and provided to you by "Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you read this article, you will agree or disagree with its various points, and then you will know more about what is true for you. Knowing more of your own Truth amplifies your Divine Light.
Thus providing/presenting this article is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission. This article and our providing/presenting it are therefore an integral part of our exercise and practice of our religion.
None of the contents herein are claimed as absolute truth. They represent one possible perspective which might prove useful for you.

All rights reserved under the Common Law. This means please respect our creatorship.
We invite your comments and responses!

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