Our Church in the Big Picture --
and What We Offer to Serve the Big Picture
There's a challenge in even attempting to talk about this subject. You know it's impossible to “describe” a symphony or a flower, in words. It's even more impossible for the human mind to try to grasp what is in the Biggest Picture, which we could call God or the Kosmos or The Infinite One Being, and then for the mind to try to express whatever it can grasp, in words. That's like taking the worded description of a symphony or flower and then running that through a cell-phone transmission that drops every half-second of the flow of words !! How much of the symphony comes through from THAT ???!!
So please know that the following writing is a bad cellphone transmission. Also please feel free to translate any of our terms into terms that resonate more with your own sense of what is being talked about. We are not locked into any particular words, like God or Divine Will. That those words point to is expressed in many different words by many different people. The words only point, they are not real descriptions, even less are they the thing or reality itself.
Brief Summary:
This Church is one of many resources for the manifesting of, and one of many expressions of, the Vision of this planet, Earth, who is a living Being -- a Vision in which all of her creatures are living their highest, most peaceful, most loving, most thriving lives.
Longer version:
The Picture on a Planetary Scale
This planet is a living Being, a Self. Not just a web of interconnected and mutually interdependent living creatures, but an entity with an identity and consciousness as a Being. She is in her own process of her own spiritual evolution. All of us, her creatures, are participants in that, though each of us has our own spiritual evolution going on, as well.
She has a Vision of her future, what she will be like further along in her spiritual development. That is part of the Vision each of us has for ourselves, and likewise each of our Visions is part of hers.
Our Church's Place in that Picture
We see our church as one part of the process by which her Vision, and our Visions, are coming into expression, into form, into manifestation, into experience, into ordinary reality. Our church's part has a specific purpose within this process. The purpose is to facilitate and to be a resource for, others who are bringing The Vision into the world of form, into existence.
How does that purpose fit with our primary religious purpose as a church, which is stated directly in our name: To amplify the Divine Light which is already in All, in everyone and everything. But [for reasons too complex to go into right here] that Light of Divine Being is less bright in some people/Beings/things, and the whole evolution in the Kosmos is toward maximum Brightness of all. [And exactly what we mean by Brightness is also an essay unto itself. Just get the general idea here. You can think of it as “more Divine,” or more expanded awakeness or awareness, or more Divine Love, or more expression of the Divine we already are, or many other metaphors.]
So, as the Earth brightens, so do the lives of her human inhabitants and all her other creatures. This Vision is what the whole world, and all of our lives, will be like at maximum Brightness.
This Vision is our real, most-probable future. Poetically and energetically, we are all experiencing the magnetic pull of it, we are experiencing its call to us, we are experiencing increasing motivation to engage in activities which will – whether we consciously realize this or not – bring the Vision into our reality.
Some folks are responding with resistance or rejection of the Vision, and that's part of their own spiritual evolution. Some folks are responding with a tug of motivation toward their own Life Purpose, toward what brings them the deepest and highest joy and satisfaction in life, which is both personal and “service” to others -- because from their perspective, there is no separation or conflict between what is good for them, and what is good for all. Their own Life Purpose is part of The Vision's process of becoming "real" in this world.
Who Our Church is For: The Vision's New World Builders
These folks who are feeling that tug have various ways of facilitating and moving into The Vision's world. Some folks are simply wanting to live their lives in more love, more awareness, more benevolence. Some folks are turning around to teach and heal those who choose to be more whole.
Some folks are co-creating, co-designing, new ways of living together in harmony with one another and the Earth. These folks are coming up with new approaches, new systems, new models, new programs, in education, in business, in politics, in economics, in our legal system, in our family relating, in media, in communications, in healthcare. Every area of life.
In our church, we call these folks the New World Builders. Everyone is contributing, everyone is helping, but some are specifically motivated and talented in the building of the structures and processes of the New World. They offer new plans, new methods; they offer these to organizations, to corporations, to industries, to schools, to towns and counties, to stores and businesses, to environmental organizations, to global and international groups, even to churches and religious organizations. They are building what we might call the "social infra-structure" of the new world. You probably know some already, or you are perhaps one. Many of these folks are noted in the * HOTLINKS section of this blog (and more being added all the time) and are also noted in the Big Picture presented in our blog on * A New Earth Arises in Grassroots .
Most of these folks are emerging from a long, lifetime-long, period in which they felt alone, isolated, unheard, ineffective, weird, and even like misfits, aliens, outsiders. Perhaps they didn't even realize that they had something to offer the world. Now they are discovering one another, teaming up, synergizing, supporting, encouraging, empowering one another.
What Our Church Offers New World Builders
Our church has been created by The Vision, to express and facilitate The Vision, by serving as one of the networking nodes of the new communication and collaboration among New World Builders. This is not our only particular purpose, but it is one we feel passionately about, and one we spend much of our energy toward.
We summarize our activities in this blog entry, which says
We will build the new world now.
It's time now.
It's safe now.
"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church is your resource for
discovering your special Mission and Purpose
identifying your Talents and Gifts
finding & synergizing with your team/co-creators
being supported, encouraged, affirmed, uplifted, and empowered.
Some of what we offer New World Builders as individuals includes:
--Help in identifying themselvs as teachers, healers, or New World Builders, and how they – and all their seemingly irrelevant or painful past experiences – fit into the New World's emergence. Helping them make sense of their lives, giving them a new perspective from which to see their lives.
--Clarification of their gifts and their purpose
--Networking into groups they can contribute to and synergize with, in their purpose
--Methods they can use to complete their healing from their past experiences, in this lifetime and other lifetimes, if they choose
--Ways of expanding their awareness of and their Realizing of their full Divine Self (aka moving into Enlightenment or Awakening,) as the context for their own life purpose and activities
--Assistance in bringing their spiritual beliefs into inner coherence, free from internal inconsistencies that disempower and sabotage their effectiveness in the world
--Inspiration, upliftment, encouragement, ability to stay up, optimistic, and effective
--A home base they can use for grounding as well as for exploring the outer reaches of their spirituality
--Experiences of belonging, not just to our church, but to a number of groups, of varying size or vastness, all of whom are pulled by The Vision and are passionately devoted to The Vision.
--Ways of turning their lives and activities into an explicit “ministry” if they feel called to do this
--Frameworks for viewing and understanding humanity and people in ways that facilitate changing them, helping them develop and grow and evolve
--Sensitivity to and greater use of, intuition and other spiritual resources and ways of living and interacting
--Help in growing out of the specific hangups that teachers, healers, and New World Builders tend to have, which sabotage and disempower and undermine their effectiveness, not to mention their happiness and health!
--Support and resources for living a whole, rounded, balanced life
Most of these are available by phone or online or even by mail, as well as in-person.
Some of what we offer groups or organizations of New World Builders includes:
Most of the above, plus resources for
--New ways of making group decisions and carrying out group activities and functions
--New patterns of leadership in relation to group functioning
--Synergies with similar or aligned groups and organizations
--Becoming more aware of, and more expressive of, the particular Larger Purpose or Spirit of the group or organization
–Ways of clarifying for all members, how they and the group fit into the Bigger Picture and The Vision.
The Planetary Vision, Our Church, Our Activities
So, from the Big Picture to the nitty-gritty of activities, this is where our Church fits in. We are one node in the vast Kosmic web of events; we are one resource for the manifesting of a grand Vision that is pulling, driving, embodying itself everywhere in everyone, on this planet at this time.
The exact nature of this Vision, ah, that's been written about, glimpsed, yearned for, fought for. Each of us has our own version, and those versions do often overlap, but also are always different in some ways. The differences are to be used synergistically, by The Vision itself, to assist its birthing.
You might want to check out one glimpse, expressed in * Peace on Earth - The Details , , and another glimpse in * Quality of Life - What is it? , as well as one section of our * #1 read first: church brochure . If you know of other descriptions, leaving that in a comment would be super.
posted by Rev. Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, Ph.D. Head Minister
This blog entry is presented and provided to you by"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you look at this blog entry, you will agree or disagree with its various points, and then you will know more about what is true for you. Knowing more of your own Truth amplifies your Divine Light. Thus providing/presenting this blog entry is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission.
This blog entry and our providing/presenting it are therefore an essential and integral part of our exercise and practice of our religion.
None of the contents herein are claimed as absolute truth. They represent one possible perspective which might prove useful for you.
All rights reserved under the Common Law. This means please respect our Creatorship.
We invite your comments and responses!
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