This is written in words that resonate for one particular person. You are encouraged to re-write it in your own words. Take each thought and sense your own version of it. Then it will have the most power for you.
Read it as often as you feel inclined. You will probably be amazed at the results.
The two places in which there are ...... you can come up with specifics from your life, spontaneously different upon each reading.
In our church, we believe in working toward the highest Quality of Life for everyone, which includes ourselves. We believe that in fostering our own highest Quality of Life, we are enhancing that for everyone, because in truth, on the deepest levels, there is only the One Being of which we are all portions.

I Know God-I-Am is the source of all supply, and money is God-I-Am in
action, and my money will be used only for the highest wonderfulness of all concerned.
I Know my wonderfulness of unlimited abundant money is now freely flowing to me unconditionally, ongoingly and unceasingly and ever-increasingly, so bountifully I can never immediately use it all, and I have an abundance to spare and share, today and always. God-I-Am is creating and attracting expected and unexpected, ongoing and unceasing and ever-increasing unlimited income for me, in accord with, and to manifest, all my relevant Life Visions. I Know that I, as God, am now creating this for this embodiment, and I accept this as truth, and am joyful.
All channels of financial supply which are joyful, thrilling, and satisfying to me, and all my present channels of financial supply which are at least pleasant and acceptable to me and all of these channels which are for the highest benefit of all concerned are now open to me and flowing unconditionally ongoingly and unceasingly and ever-increasingly abundantly into my life, and I am richly, bountifully, and beautifully prospered, ongoingly and unceasingly and ever-increasingly, and unconditionally, in every wonderful way, as I know my desires are sacred, and vibrating with my highest personal, individual joys as God-realized Self is my Sacred Life Purpose.
I Know true prosperity includes the manifestation in my life of the most marvelous living conditions, the most thrilling activities, and the most wonderful many kinds of happiness, without limits. Including the happiness of fulfilling my purpose of service to others.
This Word which I speak in the full Knowingness of God-I-Am refocuses the law of increased universal wonderfulness for me, and I am feeling the rich results now. I am now imagining the unlimited financial abundance God-I-Am is creating, as I...... I imagine it being manifested in my life now, richly and abundantly and unlimitedly, as I.......
I claim and accept it all for myself now. I claim and accept it all for myself now, and through me as abundance to others. I claim and accept it all for myself right now here today, unconditionally. I am happy and joyful about this, manifesting unconditionally into my embodiment's reality now. I bless all the wonderfulness presently manifest in my life--oh, yes!--and I bless the increase, into lavish, opulent living as my Highest Self, as God-realized Self.
I bless everyone else who is manifesting abundance as God-I-Am. I know we are now all prospering together in every wonderful way, and share the wonderfulnesses we create and manifest. I know that as each of us prospers, all Beings prosper. We are One. I now freely give my gifts to acknowledge those who contribute to my realization of Unlimited God-I-Am. My giving affirms abundance for everyone.
Unlimited God-I-Am manifests for me--unconditionally--ongoingly and unceasingly and ever-increasingly rich, lavish unlimited financial blessings, now. I am completely ready, willing, able and deserving unconditionally to receive them all, right now here today. This is so fabulous. I am delighted and joyful. My embodiment is even more strongly in Knowingness now, of unlimited God-I-Am as the Source of all supply and nourishment.
For all of the above, I am gratefully receiving all the time, the help of the Angel of personal abundance, nourishment, and prosperity, and the Angel and Spirit of Unlimitedness, the Unlimited Golden Beings of Light, the Angel of Personal Change and Transmutation, the Angel of Ascension, and all loving energies of our choice, including my own highest Teachers, Healers, and Guides. That help includes transmuting now into the highest wisdom all blocks and interferences of every kind on every level of my Beingness to the full immediate manifestation of all the above, transmuting in ways that are easy, natural, comfortable, and ecologically sound for my life, health, and wellbeing, and the life, health, and well-being of all concerned. And so it is.

by Rev. Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, Ph.D. Head Minister
This article is presented and provided to you by"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you read this article, you will agree or disagree with its various points, and then you will know more about what is true for you. Knowing more of your own Truth amplifies your Divine Light. Thus providing/presenting this article is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission.
This article and our providing/presenting it are therefore an essential and integral part of our exercise and practice of our religion.
None of the contents herein are claimed as absolute truth. They represent one possible perspective which might prove useful for you.
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