Personal to Transpersonal Awareness
More people on planet are going through this shift simultaneously than any time in history. So it's worth examining the phenomenon of this natural, maturational, growth shift.
Ken Wilber writes about it a lot. See also
Ralph Metzner's book The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience. Metzner boils descriptions from all spiritual and religious experiences over time and over the world, down to twelve different metaphors. They are truly worth studying so you can recognize and expand your own experiences.
What is unique about this particular shift in consciousness compared to all the other shifts in our growth and personal evolution? [We are not talking about "getting enlightened." This shift from personal to transpersonal is much earlier in the process.]
What can be done to make the shift easier for self? for others? Does it always involve an unpleasant period of "dark night" or disillusionment or depression or alienation?
Not a place the mind can actually go alone, or can take you. Not a shift in beliefs, but a shift in experience. Not strictly emotional either. Whole-Being: physical, mental, emotional, energetic. Thus also social and in every area of life. A shift in "world-view" and thus a shift in the world one inhabits, subjectively.
Not a shift in what I believe. The shift is in Who I Am. And in What Is for me. And in What's it all about, Alfie? All major shifts include all those elements. But not to this extent.
The whole process can be gradual or brief. But there is a moment of first glimpse, a first whiff that there is Something More. A step in the growth of consciousness that feels radically different from previous steps. A leap, not just a step.
Ways of characterizing this shift from personal to transpersonal levels of awareness: Finite to infinite. Content to process. Having/Doing to Being.
Thus, a shift from impermanent and changing to something permanent and unchanging, yet also a shift from static content (as Who I Am) to process, always becoming, always expanding, Being the very process of expanding itself.
Standing in the eternal unchanging Ground of Being [aka the I Am] rather than any moment or particular manifestation of Being, yet experiencing that Being as eternal Becoming.
Making it easier for self: Spend more time in meditation or other ways of accessing Ground of Being. Get around like-minded people. You might have to change friends and relationships. Seek a mentor or counselor who knows what you are talking about, and avoid those who don't resonate with you. In other words, don't stay a single minute with a counselor who does not know about or understand the process YOU are in. That will cause a lot of unnecessary pain for you. Read about the process.
But first, of course, you have to realize consciously that you are in this process, and what the nature of that process is. Not just that life has become meaningless and all the answers have evaporated and no one knows what I am talking about and I am in limbo.
Making it easier for others: Share about your own experiences when you sense someone receptive. Reach for those you see "in process," and help them realize there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that they are not alone, and that this is a natural evolutionary step and process, not a personal or social defect or craziness on their part.
There are underway all over the world lots of spontaneous group-thinks about how "community" can be helpful in this process. And of course, teachers and workshops abound.
I invite anyone to contribute further thoughts. This is of course a VAST subject with oodles already written and being taught, so it's hard to say anything original, but we say what we say when we share, and the right people find it. That's one transpersonal perspective!!
by Rev. Alia Zara Aurami-Sou, Ph.D., Head Minister
This article is presented and provided to you by "Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church
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