Rev. Alia’s Book Publication
Blessing, Birth, and Activation
This can be adapted for any creation you are putting out into the world.
This is intended to be spoken out loud just before hitting the PUBLISH button or other comparable moment, such as a book launch gathering.
This can be done retroactively with any book already published.
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First below is a version to be spoken by the author. Below that is a version with pronouns changed in case the blessing is spoken by someone else at a book launch gathering.
Offered under Creative Commons License as a ministry of Amplifying Divine Light in All Church.
I start by acknowledging with awe, reverence, and worship, the Source of all that is, the Infinite Creative Power which constantly makes everything that happens, happen, and which is always and ongoingly the substance and aliveness we all are. I acknowledge and accept my rightful portion of that Infinite Creative Power through which, as which, this book has come into being.
I acknowledge with reverent gratitude all that has happened and all the Beings involved, in bringing this book into existence and into the world:
· All my ancestors, and all the lineages of the thinkers represented in the book
· All who made it possible for all those lives to touch mine and thus to flow through me into the book
· All those who inspired and supported me in my creation process
· All of the help, guidance, and support from my invisible guides, teachers, healers, all of the higher-dimensional team in which this embodiment is a member
· All who made possible the publishing of this book and those involved in helping it find its way into the world
I acknowledge with gratitude and humble appreciation myself, and all the choices that I made which enabled me to reach this point of publishing this book: all the perseverance, all the loving motivation to benefit others, all the self-acknowledgement and self-love necessary to deal with hurdles and with challenges.
I acknowledge with the most profound gratitude, all who will use this book to enhance their own work toward a better world, and all who will share it with others and help more people discover it as useful to their work for a better world.
I hereby imbue this book with its own sacred conscious-identity morphic field/Beingness/selfhood and its own sacred flowing purpose for the evolution and upliftment of all aspects and inhabitants of this planet. May it be guided and energized by all loving Beings in at least these ways:
· May everyone into whose life-space this book comes—in any way to any degree—experience upliftment, support, encouragement, inspiration, and added strength, wisdom, and knowledge available for making their contributions to a more wonderful world.
· And may those who encounter this book be inspired to bring it to the attention of anyone they know who might benefit from it, and be guided to bring it to the attention even of people they don’t yet know who might benefit from it.
May the generosity of spirit (and its manifested activity) of all the above Beings return to them/us/me a thousand-fold and more, in every good way, including money, so we may glow more brightly in turn upon other nodes in Indra’s Net.
And so it is.
By Rev. Alia Aurami, Head Minister, Amplifying Divine Light in All Church
December 16, 2021
If you feel moved to gift in the Church's gift economy, to support and enable continuing ministries, send via Paypal to, or write for other methods. We tithe to others building a more wonderful world.
We start by acknowledging with awe, reverence, and worship, the Source of all that is, the Infinite Creative Power which constantly makes everything that happens, happen, and which is always and ongoingly the substance and aliveness we all are. We each acknowledge and accept our rightful portion of that Infinite Creative Power through which, as [author's name], this book has come into being.
We acknowledge with reverent gratitude all that has happened and all the Beings involved, in bringing this book into existence and into the world:
· All her ancestors, and all the lineages of the thinkers represented in the book
· All who made it possible for all those lives to touch hers and thus to flow through her into the book
· All those who inspired and supported her in her creation process
· All of the help, guidance, and support from her invisible guides, teachers, healers, all of the higher-dimensional team in which her embodiment is a member
· All who made possible the publishing of this book and those involved in helping it find its way into the world
We acknowledge with gratitude and humble appreciation [author name] herself, and all the choices that she made which enabled her to reach this point of publishing/launching this book: all the perseverance, all the loving motivation to benefit others, all the self-acknowledgement and self-love necessary to deal with hurdles and with challenges.
We acknowledge with the most profound gratitude, all who will use this book to enhance their own work toward a better world, and all who will share it with others and help more people discover it as useful to their work for a better world.
We hereby imbue this book with its own sacred conscious-identity morphic field/Beingness/selfhood and its own sacred flowing purpose for the evolution and upliftment of all aspects and inhabitants of this planet. May it be guided and energized by all loving Beings in at least these ways:
· May everyone into whose life-space this book comes—in any way to any degree—experience upliftment, support, encouragement, inspiration, and added strength, wisdom, and knowledge available for making their contributions to a more wonderful world.
· And may those who encounter this book be inspired to bring it to the attention of anyone they know who might benefit from it, and be guided to bring it to the attention even of people they don’t yet know who might benefit from it.
May the generosity of spirit (and its manifested activity) of all the above Beings return to them/us a thousand-fold and more, in every good way, including money, so we may glow more brightly in turn upon other nodes in Indra’s Net.
And so it is.
By Rev. Alia Aurami, Head Minister, Amplifying Divine Light in All Church
December 16, 2021
If you feel moved to gift in the Church's gift economy, to support and enable continuing ministries, send via Paypal to, or write for other methods. We tithe to others building a more wonderful world.
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