
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Wonderful World News - Day 69 - 43 Ways to Stay Up in a Down World

   Here's today's wonderful news 

about a wonderful world!

 This is part of a series of daily reminders that a more wonderful world is being built from the actions of millions of people, each day. You are offered examples to explore whenever you would like to be uplifted and inspired, energized and reassured. This is a wonderful type of world news!

 It seems obvious that we experience what we are paying attention to, so if we want more life-enhancing experiences, we should direct more of our attention to more life-enhancing news, happenings, and stories.

Also, when we feel life-enhanced, we are radiating, broadcasting those "vibes" outward, and others are uplifted into resonance, to some degree. And the more of us radiating, the more others are uplifted. So joy is service!

In this series, we emphasize discovering whole groups of people who are creating a more wonderful world, each in their own way.

 You can add things you find, for others to discover and pay attention to, via commenting on this post, or any post in the series. You can access a list of links to each post in the entire series by clicking here:

DAY 69

This is the full text of today's share:

43 Ways to Stay UP 

in a Down World


This is not about sticking your head in the sand. This is not about resisting. This is not about being “selfish,” oblivious to anyone else’s suffering. 


This is actually about being sensibly selfish: how to be of greatest service and benefit to others by realizing that “you have to put on your own oxygen mask first.” If you get down, you’re not much help. You become part of the problem, not part of the solution.


These are some suggestions for keeping yourself “up.” There are plenty of things you can do if you want to “save the world.” Whatever you choose to do, you’ll be more powerful and effective—and last longer, not burn out—if you are “up.”


The importance and value of staying “up” as a service to the world is explained powerfully in this, and this, and this, and this article. 


The suggestions are not in any particular order. Obviously you won't be able to do all of them; doing even a few will make a noticeable difference. Choose the ones that feel easy and natural for you at any given time. And the more you do, the more up you will stay.


Attitudes to cultivate


·      Know your life purpose and be expressing it daily in some way.


·      Keep your “locus of control” inside you. That means instead of feeling like a victim, helpless, or hopeless, you realize you have the fundamental empowerment to choose how you experience any given set of circumstances—even if you don’t think you can create all the details.


·      Ask for help. About anything, large or small. Asking for help and receiving it is empowering.


·      Offer help. About anything, large or small. Helping and having it received is empowering.


·      Ask for what you want, about everything, large or small. Don’t hold back. Be discerning about asking in ways, and to people, that will result in getting what you want.


·      Allow miracles; they happen all the time, and you’ll have more of them the more of life you see as already being a miracle. Expect miracles, but don't wait for them.


·      Focus on what you want (give emotional energy, attention) not on what you don't want. Focus has the power to affect you and to create.


·      Make a big deal when you get what you want or what you like; give the rest the brush-off. Increase the number of minutes every day that you spend in celebrating, appreciating, being grateful, being thankful. When was the last time you thanked a traffic light for being green? Maybe the light wasn’t affected, but were you affected? Here’s an easy and powerful practice around gratitude. 


·      Don't sweat the small stuff.


·      Find a way to see the present as a phase of a positive future that’s emerging to those who have eyes to see it. That’s not self-delusion if you are aware of all the tens of millions of people contributing to, building, a better world each day—and if you realize that creating new includes destroying old.


·      Stay in a Bigger Picture. Whatever that means to you.


·      Keep your vibration positive without resisting or rejecting the negative. Fill your time and space with the positive. The world contains ample amounts of both, and you get to choose what you experience by directing your attention. We don’t experience what is not in our attention.


·      Keep your sense of humor switch set to ON. Instruct your subconscious to do this. Aim for a childlike 5 laughs a day.


General things to do


·      Spend some time each day imagining that you are broadcasting your loving, caring, compassionate vibes out to the whole world, even if you can't “do” anything.


·      Study the differences: compassion, pity, sympathy, empathy.


·      Love at every opportunity. Every moment is an opportunity to love something.


·      Radiating is doing. When you are up and joyful, you are splashing that onto the world and the ripples go out, uplifting others; it’s subtle but real.


·      Be of help. 


·      Be building something new and better, not just against what is. 


·      Be among people giving and receiving services.


·      Do random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.


·      Do all you can to improve your own Quality of Life and the QoL of those you can influence the QoL of. Here’s how one person helped 150,000 others.


·      Make it an important priority to give yourself experiences of beauty, comfort, receiving, humor, inspiration, building anything, creating anything. So you can radiate being full, and be an example who uplifts others.


·      Keep learning and expanding.


·      Seek out and spend as much time as you can with people and circumstances where you feel safe and valued. This directly calms your nervous system, via the vagus nerve, and helps you feel good. 


Specific things to do


·      Plant a tree or some other plant, and tend it.


·      Be around positive, growing people.


·      Find and daily get input from sources of positive news, touching news, uplifting news, heartwarming news. This could include YouTube browsing for stories and music that uplift you. My daily “Wonderful World News” blogposts provide lots of avenues to positive news sources.


·      PASS ALONG positive news, touching news, uplifting news, heartwarming news. This is actual physical vitamins, actual nutrition. Not just a Nice Idea. You need to maintain your actual life energy, your vitality. Positivity is as necessary as sunlight and water and sleep. Downer news causes depressive biochemicals that harm your immune system and erode your body and life energy.


·      Address and solve all challenges/problems you CAN solve, even down to cleaning a closet and getting rid of junk.


·      Get your own basic body needs met, including being touched and touching, giving and receiving pleasure. For those it’s appropriate, help them get their basic body needs met.


·      Do all you can to be healthy; that helps you stay UP. Get enough sleep; sleep deprivation is a huge downer. Eat well. Stay hydrated. Breathe. Especially, do some pleasant movement every day: walk, dance, run, etc. Hum. Smile.


·      Every day, give yourself something that uplifts you in a direct, nonverbal way: your favorite smells, movies, people, colors, etc.


·      Eat your “comfort foods.” If they’re unhealthful, then increase how much you enjoy each bite, so you can get more comfort from fewer bites.


·      Spend at least half an hour a day outside. Mother Nature is an ultimate “upper.” 


·      Spend at least 5 minutes a day in some kind of quiet contemplation of whatever you regard as ultimate in life. That is another ultimate “upper.”


Things to not do


·      Avoid all negative predictions, as a waste of time. Making negative predictions is a habit you might not realize you have. Any remark about an unpleasant future you are thinking about, or fearing, or expecting, is a negative prediction.


·      Go on a media fast, including negative websites. If some news affects you and is important, you’ll hear about it. If there’s anything you can do or need to do about it, you’ll hear about it. Whatever you perceive, you actually experience one some level as if it were happening to you. This is true because of our “mirror neurons.” Do you need to experience in your body all the suffering you see on TV? Does that help you contribute more or does it simply add to the suffering experienced in this world?


·      Passing along anything negative is an attack. Really get this !! When you are recounting or describing something unpleasant, you are forcing your listener (and yourself) to have the experience.  


The important skill of non-resistance


·      Ignoring isn't denial. Don't resist, but don't dwell. Let negative pass through you like a wave and leave you with more compassion in it than when it arrived at you. 


·      Feel your “negative” emotions fully, express them in safe ways, and don't perpetuate them with continuing thoughts or self-talk or further negative input. This also means feel your positive emotions fully also; allow them full sway!


·      You can be not resisting something negative and also not buying it as the whole truth. We rarely have the whole truth about anything, so our emotions are always based on only part of a story. Realizing that can bring some peace in any situation. 


·      Be a compassionate observer. That turns you into a healing presence.


Do you know someone who’s feeling down, discouraged, even depressed or anxious because of what they see in this world? Perhaps you could uplift yourself and them by sharing this article.

Now it's your turn. Inspired by what you've discovered, what is one thing you will do this day to make the world more wonderful for yourself and perhaps also for someone else?

Right now there is no good way to get notified of new posts in this series. Do sign up as a Follower, though, and I can make sure you are told when such a good way exists.

This series is a ministry of "Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church. We have no relationship with the resource described in this post, except our appreciation of them and desire to share their value with you and others.

by Rev. Alia Aurami, Ph.D., Head Minister, Amplifying Divine Light in All Church
"Amplifying Divine Light in All" is a completely independent church fostering empowerment of people to co-create loving, thriving God-realized lives, and wellbeing for everyone, on a clean, peaceful Earth.
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you read this blogpost, if you are willing, you will probably feel uplifted. That amplifies your Divine Light. Thus providing/presenting this article is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission. 
This article and our providing/presenting it are therefore a central and essential part of our exercise and practice of our religion. 
All results from using anything written in this blog are solely your own responsibility, which you assume by reading.

All of our ministries are offered to you and the world as our freewill gifts. The funds necessary for the food, shelter, internet service, and other expenses that make this and all our ministries possible come from freewill gifts provided by those wanting to see us able to continue our offerings to the world. 

You can send us a gift via or write us at divinelightchurch at for other methods. 

Gifts are not tax-deductible. You can read more about the gift economy our church lives in, here:


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