
Saturday, September 19, 2020

A More Wonderful World - Day 5 - Peace Day and Cities

 Welcome to this more wonderful day!

 This is part of a series of daily reminders that a more wonderful world is being built from the actions of millions of people, each day. You'll be offered examples to explore whenever you would like to be uplifted and inspired, energized and reassured.

 It seems obvious that we experience what we are paying attention to, so if we want more life-enhancing experiences, we should direct more of our attention to more life-enhancing news, happenings, and stories.

Also, when we feel life-enhanced, we are radiating, broadcasting those "vibes" outward, and others are uplifted into resonance, to some degree. And the more of us radiating, the more others are uplifted. So joy is service!

In this series, we'll emphasize discovering whole groups of people who are creating a more wonderful world, each in their own way.

 You can add things you find, for others to discover and pay attention to, via commenting on this post, or any post in the series. You can access a list of links to each post in the entire series by clicking here:



Caravan of Unity

 including this:

and you might also check out this huge multi-national project:

 Co-creating Europe


 This website about Lifemaps for personal exploration



This video on work being done with cities all over the world by Human Hive video

 The following is from an email from a colleague of mine involved in a Peace Day activity taking place over time and space. There will be particular workshops associated with this project on September 24 in Klaipeda, Lithuania, and on the 27th in Lisbon, Portugal. The project involves using Lifemaps, developed by Ellen van Dongen, Lifemaps.NL

"On September 21 it will be World Peace Day.  The Caravan of Unity, initiated by Co-creating Europe, has been travelling through place and time in this direction over the last weeks. Our project team became one of the travelling parties in the Caravan. Our purpose: ‘to create the first of a series of Games – to imagine Lifemaps waking up the Master Code in Human Hives in Europe, in a playful but serious way, to energize the Caravan’."

The project team is people from Portugal, Lithuania, Germany, Finland, and the UK. 

"The team members were already familiar with integral City, because they followed a course with Marilyn Hamilton. By way of an introduction we each started with a lifemap to visualize our life’s mission and share it amongst each other. We invited the Energy of Unity and the Angel of Peace to be with us in this project.

There have already been several "Workshops in which 4 participants represent the archetypal voices in the city. In their own homes participants view the inspirational Human Hive video. Representing their Voice, they map their current situation and near future on the Compass poster, guided by the Master Code of Care. 

"Then they come together – on zoom or in person - in dialogue, using their maps to tell each other their stories. In a last round the 4 Voices can see what is happening in their city. They find each other in similarities and differences. Ideas are formed, for the near future, at an individual level as well collectively."

There is a "Facebook Livestream recording to share our experiences with the whole Caravan. It is a recording full of inspiration and energy. You can watch it here:"

Now it's your turn. Inspired by what you've discovered, what is one thing you will do this day to make the world more wonderful for yourself and perhaps also for someone else?

If you want to receive notifications of future posts in this series, be sure to "Follow" in the righthand column and complete the verification process.

This series is a ministry of "Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church. We have no relationship with the resource described in this post, except our appreciation of them and desire to share their value with you and others.

by Rev. Alia Aurami, Ph.D., Head Minister, Amplifying Divine Light in All Church
"Amplifying Divine Light in All" is a completely independent church fostering empowerment of people to co-create loving, thriving God-realized lives, and wellbeing for everyone, on a clean, peaceful Earth.
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone. When you read this blogpost, if you are willing, you will probably feel uplifted. That amplifies your Divine Light. Thus providing/presenting this article is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission. 
This article and our providing/presenting it are therefore a central and essential part of our exercise and practice of our religion. 
All results from using anything written in this blog are solely your own responsibility, which you assume by reading.

All of our ministries are offered to you and the world as our freewill gifts. The funds necessary for the food, shelter, internet service, and other expenses that make this and all our ministries possible come from freewill gifts provided by those wanting to see us able to continue our offerings to the world. You can send us a gift via or write us at divinelightchurch at for other methods. Gifts are not tax-deductible. You can read more about the gift economy our church lives in, here:


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