
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heresy about the Creative Power of Words and Thoughts

Heresy about the Creative Power
 of Words and Thoughts
I've been evoked into finally putting into words one of my constant "heresies" among New Age thinking. This is on the topic of using the principle of the Law of Attraction, "like attracts like" to suggest we need to be thought-police or word-police for ourselves, lest by uttering the "wrong" ones we create what we DON'T want. There are many folks living in fear of their own thoughts and words, and to me this leads to suffering and is counter-productive, as I describe below
So let me try to explain my viewpoint on this matter.
First, think of the principles "Energy follows attention/thought." "Like attracts like." I see them as half-truths, because oversimplifications. 
For the same reason, I don't advocate the wording "Our thoughts create our reality." I advocate that "How we are vibrating, most especially which vibrations we regard as REAL or REALITY, creates or amplifies those vibrations in our experienced reality." 
And an emotion is a far stronger vibration than a thought -- even a subconsciously held emotion, outside conscious awareness, is a stronger vibration than a mere cognitive thought held just in the mind. Attention, mere attention, noticing, awareness, witnessing, is less strong that a thought, or it's stronger, depending on the identity one has. That's a layer of complexity I won't go into here.
So as I see it, creative power is actually in some complex combination of the vibrational frequencies of thoughts, words, attention, emotions, intention, what is regarded without question as "reality," and the identity one regards as "self." 
That's the briefest summary of my view.
So I believe it is possible to speak of things you don't want, without imparting any creative energy to them whatsoever. But it's tricky to do so. Like attracts like boils down to the mechanism that what you focus attention on with emotional energy, is what you amplify the reality of. Or, more basically, what you regard and treat as "real" is what becomes real for you. So it's not the words or the thoughts per se which have the creative power, it's how you are vibrating wrt their "reality."

You can, for purposes of creating more of what you DO want in your reality, give brief attention via words and thoughts to what you don't want more of, WHILE IN THE EMOTION AND REALITY AND INTENTION AND IDENTITY VIBRATION OF WHAT YOU DO WANT. So the like you are attracting is your overall vibration.

Thus, for example, you could talk about the current undesired reality as a PHASE OF a future desired reality. "This is what is now, and it is inevitably moving into the desired future, it is PART OF that future, seen as the timeline of events leading to that future."

Totally ignoring the present too easily slips into denial, and denial, paradoxically, is a rather powerful form of energy and attention, which has creative power!!

Also, fear of one's own thoughts or words, or fear of others' thoughts and words, is a sure path to suffering, in addition to having the opposite of the desired/intended effect.

These are my perspectives on this matter. It's pretty subtle and complex, but I have read and encountered other folks with these perspectives (i.e. I certainly didn't invent anything so subtle and complex, haha.)

A good current version is at

So I am not saying don't go ahead and make changes in your languaging, I'm just saying the matter is a bit more complex than that. The simplest procedure is just to shift one's language, with the caveat of danger of getting into ignoring or denial, fear about the current condition, or fear about the effects of one's words or thoughts about it, which will actually backfire and create the exact effect one was trying to avoid creating!!!!!

Again, this is just my take on the matter. What's yours?

by Rev. Alia Aurami, Ph.D.
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