
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Solstice Contemplations

Here are some metaphors to think about, about Winter Solstice.

One is that we cannot go by appearances. Things appear dead. We do not see the potential for renewal, rebirth, if we just look at the surface of things. How often in life do we JUDGE, which is going by appearances? To not go by appearances, we need to turn to a Bigger Picture, a picture that gives the CONTEXT of present appearances: the context of cycles of nature. In life, the context is that things always change, and always have the potential of change. How much potential don't we see, because we are going by appearances?

Another metaphor is that a seed needs some external conditions like warmth and water, to germinate, but basically, it carries its initial nourishment within itself. We would do well to allow our true nature, our Source, to be the ultimate source of our nourishment, our fuel to keep living and to grow. Not depend quite so much on the externals. Or, more accurately, to allow BOTH inside and outside sources of nourishment in life.

Third: Did you know that solstice is U-shaped, not V-shaped? There are three days where the length of the day barely changes at all, compared to the amount of change on other days of the year. That must be a good metaphor for something. Perhaps that during a change, we can't always see the momentum shift. Often even in the middle of a change, even as things are shifting radically in a new direction, we get discouraged that nothing is seeming to change. Gotta look at the Bigger Picture.

Another metaphor came to me as I was meditating at the moment of solstice:

Not only is there the POTENTIAL of "spring" and summer (a metaphor for just about any wonderful change) even within winter, there is already actual MOMENTUM underway in that direction, could we but perceive it. The metaphor is about the planetary changes we are all seeking. The message was LIVE IN (let your consciousness abide in) THE MOMENTUM, NOT IN THE PRESENT APPEARANCES OF THINGS. The momentum is real; the current appearance of deadness in the natural world, and doom in the human and ecological worlds, is simply a phase, and the momentum is more real because it represents the future which is ALREADY UNDERWAY. (This is not to say ignore or deny current stuff; it's to say "Focus more on where it's leading to.")

This addititonal insight sure lifted my spirits, and I hope yours too, and gave me a guideline for beginning this new year.

What metaphors and insights do YOU get from winter solstice?
Here's one from someone:
Not only is the solstice 'U' shaped, but the days of the earliest sunset and latest sunrise are offset by about one month. At my location the earliest sunset (17:17) is on December 7th but the latest sunrise (07:39) isn't until January 6th. You can see the exact times for your location (latitude) here. It also beautifully illustrates the gradual nature of the transition between seasons.
So not only is the shape a 'U,' but the bottom isn't symmetric - which I suppose is why 'night' people are attuned to the solstice before 'morning' people are - they 'see' it first.
Here's another one:
The brain releases melatonin in darkness, but does not in presence of light, affecting a large range of biorhythmic function, including subtle sleep patterns and their cycles, sexual development, hibernation in animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding.
[ I say: Melatonin is released ONLY in darkness. Growth begins in darkness. It has to BEGIN in darkness. Darkness is a necessary ground or precondition of development. ]
And from someone else:
In the solstice U wherever you might be at a moment, you just have to go forward with the flow trusting that it will lead to something good, no matter how uncertain things might look from where you are.

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