
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Our Next Arena of Functioning

Our Next Arena of Functioning

"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church is a gathering, fellowship, and support for folks whose mission or purpose in life is co-creating new ways of living and relating, ways which foster a world in which everyone can thrive and flourish. Many of us -- and millions of people like us all over the world --  feel our lives are about to expand somehow, that we are about to discover the setting in which we will be actually doing what our mission or purpose is, even if we're not sure exactly what it is.  This little essay is meant as an encouragement, even as a prediction.
An “arena” is a setting of life. It could be a job, a group, an organization, a project, a relationship, etc. 
We are all getting ready to move into our next arena of contribution/functioning. It might or might not be directly remunerative. Financial support might come from somewhere else.

Characteristics our next arena will have:

We will feel comfortable and safe within the arena. We will feel real benevolence ongoingly permeating there.
We will be welcomed by the other people there, and valued, and admired and given rightful recognition.
We will feel the other people there as peers.
We will function with them synergistically, cooperatively, collaboratively, with unfailing goodwill from all.
The people in the arena will really have their shit together, and their functioning will not be sabotaged by deep neurotic patterns.
The arena will enable us to function at full power, will encourage and support us in that. Full power, no more holding back. We'll experience that as a relief, rather than as scary. Our old self-downing programs will drop away quickly.
The arena will enable us to be extremely or even maximally effective, of great beneficial impact. We be “playing with the Big Kids in a Big Game.” In other words, it will be the “biggest” arena we have experienced up until now.
The arena will draw on all our talents, which will be exhilarating and satisfying and stretching. It will even draw on talents we didn't even know we had until they are evoked by the need of the moment.
The arena will also draw on all of our spiritual wisdom and highest level of spiritual functioning; nothing less will work, in this arena. Thus, the arena will call forth in us the full multi-dimensionality of ourselves, and all the upper-dimensional support and synergy we are capable of.
The arena will offer big challenges, but we will experience them as exhilarating, not debilitating or discouraging. We will continue to grow in every aspect of ourselves, as we do our thing in this arena.
It will feel as if everything that has gone before was preparation for this all-out functioning. It will feel less like “preparation” than any other arena we have ever functioned in, though indeed it might still be preparation for an even bigger arena.

Nonetheless, we'll have an inner sense of THIS IS IT! I HAVE ARRIVED AT WHEREVER I WAS GOING.
Another thing that will happen soon, and the arena will either trigger it or be simply another place we experience it:
“My heart has a home.” Our heart chakra will feel a constant sense of warmth, peace, comfortableness, of our being accepted and treasured, and safe -- safe to receive and give love. 

A place that's familiar. 

A place it's safe to be ourselves, all that we are, the best and “worst” of us. A place where others are gentle, accepting, patient, supportive, encouraging, uplifting.
In other words, everything one would expect in a real HOME. This sense will be in the physical-bodily and emotional background for us in all moments.
I don't see this sense as necessarily involving other actual people. It will be a self-generated internal sense, more from our Spirit than from earth-level.

It is about “home,” but not necessarily about “family.” Maybe that will happen later.

The image above is for sale at

This blog entry is presented and provided to you by"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church
Our main religious purpose and mission is to amplify the Divine Light in everyone.
When you look at this blog entry, you will agree or disagree with its various points, and then you will know more about what is true for you. Knowing more of your own Truth amplifies your Divine Light.
Thus providing/presenting this blog entry is one way for us to accomplish our purpose and mission. This blog entry, its contents and our providing/presenting it are therefore an essential and integral part of our exercise and practice of our religion.
None of the contents herein are claimed as absolute truth. They represent one possible perspective which might prove useful for you.
All rights reserved under the Common Law for our text. This means please respect our Creatorship.
We invite your comments and responses!


Becca Campbell said...

These feelings and experiences can feel strange, if one hasn't previously felt them, or even known them to exist. But when that feeling of full-out expression awakens us, we can't go back (thankfully). It's like the color has been turned on (a la Pleasantville movie). It can feel so strange to see the "same things" but with this whole new perspective, from expansion. But in my experience I'm connecting with the Divine differently. I've been able to bring the Divine closer to me (when all I long I thought I needed the Divine to bring ME closer...). It's humbling.

Becca Campbell said...

These feelings and experiences can feel strange, if one hasn't previously felt them, or even known them to exist. But when that feeling of full-out expression awakens us, we can't go back (thankfully). It's like the color has been turned on (a la Pleasantville movie). It can feel so strange to see the "same things" but with this whole new perspective, from expansion. But in my experience I'm connecting with the Divine differently. I've been able to bring the Divine closer to me (when all I long I thought I needed the Divine to bring ME closer...). It's humbling.

"Amplifying Divine Light in All" Church said...

Oh thank you for your comment Becca. I am honored, and I appreciate hearing how you -- as part of my new arena of functioning -- are indeed so aligned with what I was longing for!